We are in the process of finalising speakers and bios and more are being added here regularly. Keep an eye on the event newsletter for further speaker announcements soon.

Leon Daniels OBE
Principal, Leon Daniels & Associates
Until his retirement from Transport for London in December 2017 and working with two London Mayors, Leon brought his unique range of in-depth skill and experience to his role as Managing Director, Surface Transport at Transport for London, with responsibility for delivery of all £3.5bn of road, light rail and transport services and all major, civil engineering infrastructure projects in the capital.
With extensive knowledge and experience of traffic and streets management, bus transport, urban rail, cycling, road safety, river operations, the taxi and private hire industry, policing and enforcement, highway engineering and major project delivery, Leon works at the highest level of central and local Government. He continues to make a significant contribution to the progress of global thinking on road and vehicle safety, efficiencies, the social effects of autonomous vehicles and technical developments generally on road and rail.
Find out more about Leon from our recent interview with him, Leon Daniels OBE: From on the buses to the Olympics

David Hensher
Director, Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies
Professor David Hensher is Founding Director of the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies (1990 to present) at The University of Sydney. He is internationally renowned as a leading research pioneer who has dedicated his career to the analysis and improvement of infrastructure systems around the world.
Educated in Kenya, England and Australia, David is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Social Sciences, Recipient of the 2009 International Association of Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition for his long-standing and exceptional contribution to IATBR as well as to the wider travel behaviour community.
Read more about David’s expertise, history, and transport interest in our interview with him, David Hensher: Transport Economist.

Gary Liddle AO
Chairman, iMOVE Australia Board of Directors
Gary has over 45 years’ experience in the transport industry, having worked at VicRoads for nearly 43 of those years, the last seven years as the Chief Executive of that organisation. Gary was made an Officer of the Order of Australia in 2017 for his contribution to the transport sector.
After leaving VicRoads in late 2013, he was appointed Deputy Secretary Transport in the Victorian department responsible for transport policy for 18 months, and was instrumental in establishing the transport portfolio within the new Department. He was then appointed as the interim Chief Executive Officer of Public Transport Victoria, followed by the same role at V/Line, for a further 12 months.
More recently Gary has been involved with two start-up companies, one using telematics data to further develop insurance products and another working in the developing area of mobility services.
iMOVE interviewed Gary about his career and thoughts on transport, at Gary Liddle AO: Transport professional.

Stuart Ballingall
Executive General Manager, Transport Certification Australia (TCA)
Stuart Ballingall has a lead national role in providing assurance for transport technologies, including telematics and associated data services. Prior to TCA, Stuart held senior roles with Transport for Victoria, VicRoads, Austroads and General Motors Holden, and has led a wide range of major technical and policy programs in the transport domain.
He has also been a member of the Australasian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP) Board, the National Positioning Infrastructure Advisory Board, and various other national and international forums. Stuart holds a Bachelor of Engineering with Honours, an MBA, and is leading a PhD project at University of Melbourne researching safety assurance for automated driving systems.
Find out more about Stuart in our interview, Stuart Ballingall: Telematically speaking

Ian Christensen
Managing Director, iMOVE Australia
Ian is a passionate and experienced practitioner in innovation and collaboration, and these were the driving motivators behind his initiative to establish the iMOVE Co-operative Research Centre.
He has spent most of his working life developing and delivering innovation in real-world environments, with particular achievements in manufacturing, biotechnology, and transport.
His leadership of iMOVE draws on sixteen years of experience in managing multi-stakeholder collaborations and over forty years of activity in technology innovation.
Ian is interested in a wide range of subject matter and creates value by identifying useful connections. He has a Bachelors degree in science and an MBA, and is the inventor on two families of patents.

Kirk Coningham OAM
CEO, Australian Logistics Council
Kirk has been in the role of CEO of the Australian Logistics Council (ALC) since January 2019.
Prior to this, he was the National Executive Director of the Urban Development Institute of Australia, and has previously headed the Master Builders Association of the ACT as Chief Executive.
He has also occupied senior positions with Leighton Holdings, the Australian Medical Association and the Murray Darling Basin Commission, has served as a diplomat, been a captain in the Australian Army, held senior media roles within government and has worked as a journalist.
Kirk received his Medal of the Order of Australia for his work with the crisis taskforce following the bombings which occurred in Bali on 12 October 2002.

Hussein Dia
Chair, Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, Swinburne University of Technology
Dr Hussein Dia is a Civil Engineer with three decades of experience.
He has worked extensively in academia and has strong collaboration with both the public and private sectors, including strong engagement with industry research. His research interests are in smart cities and the convergence of technology, infrastructure and human elements in urban environments.
His current work is focused on creating smarter mobility with meaningful tech for better user experience. His standing in this field is demonstrated by more than 100 publications including two books on Intelligent Transport Systems and Low Carbon Mobility for Future Cities.
Hussein is a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Fellow of Engineers Australia, and Fellow of the Institute of Transportation Engineers. He currently serves as Senior Editor for the international journal IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transport Systems.
Find out more about Hussein in his iMOVE interview, Hussein Dia: Tackling the urban transport future

Rita Excell
Executive Director, Australia and New Zealand Driverless Vehicle Initiative (ADVI) Centre of Excellence
Rita’s role sees her piloting ADVI’s contribution to the safe and successful introduction of driverless vehicle technologies into Australia.
Previously she was Regional Manager of Australian Road Research Board’s South Australian office, and managed key strategic policy projects for State Road Authorities and organisations in the areas of public and private road infrastructure.
Rita is a qualified civil engineer with over 20 years’ experience, including over 13 years with RAA, where she worked on strategic transport planning, road safety and advocacy.
She is currently the Vice President of the IPWEA Australasia board, where she also chairs the Audit and Risk Committee. Currently, Rita is the Transport Expert for the Port Adelaide Enfield Council Assessment Panel, as well as a member of the NSW and South Australian Connected and Automated Vehicle Industry Reference Groups.

Lisa Iverach
Senior Researcher, Research Unit @ Transport for NSW
Lisa has a diverse background in corporate, government and university settings, with expertise in designing and managing large scientific research studies and multisite trials.
She completed her PhD in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Sydney, where she worked for several years as a Senior Research Fellow. She has also worked as a Research Fellow in the Department of Psychology at Macquarie University. Lisa has published over 25 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and has regularly been invited to present her research at national and international conferences.
In her role as Senior Researcher in the Transport for NSW Research Unit, Lisa engages extensively with university academics to design collaborative research projects in alignment with Transport’s strategic research priorities. Currently, she is managing several research projects with university researchers, with particular focus on designing safe and successful places, optimising signalised intersections, and increasing flexibility for frontline staff.
Lisa has also worked as Manager Evidence & Research for the Department of Communities & Justice (DCJ), where she coordinated provision of in-kind support to university researchers, knowledge translation, publications, and development of DCJ’s new Research Strategy. Lisa’s future career goals are centred on increasing research synergies between universities, industry, and the government sector.

David McNeil
Customer Service & Fulfilment Manager, Liberty OneSteel
David McNeil has over 35 years’ experience in the manufacture, sale and distribution of steel products in the Australasian market. As a result he has developed a deep understanding of the complexities and challenges in serving customers across the geographically dispersed Australian and New Zealand markets.
The essence of David’s role is about combining people, data and systems to make it easier for customers to do business. Initiatives have covered a wide spectrum, from customer self-service platforms through to full B2B integrations; this has included the rollout of standard product identification tags for OneSteel Manufacturing utilising GS1-128 and GS1 DataMatrix symbology standards to further unlock supply chain efficiencies and improved product traceability.
David’s recent focus has been on Supply Chain Execution. In conjunction with the Australian Logistics Council and GS1, David has led a team that has implemented the GS1 Transport Instruction and Transport Status messages to facilitate the efficient transfer of delivery information between OneSteel and its logistics partners.

Kate Mackay
Technical Director Transport Planning, Mott MacDonald
Kate Mackay works out of the Brisbane office of Mott MacDonald, and leads its future mobility offer in Australia.
Throughout the 20 years of Kate’s career she has focussed on applying an understanding of travel behaviour change to develop better transport strategies and polices. Kate is a respected advisor and practitioner of travel demand management. She developed and managed Australia’s largest and most effective workplace transport strategy, and has authored a number of Government and non-government guidance publications on Travel Plans.
Kate has led a number of nationally significant market research exercises, including Fiji’s first ever national Household Travel Survey, the qualitative research programme for the Gautrain in Johannesburg, and the participation and consultation programme for a major multi-modal study in the UK.
Previously Kate ran her own transport consultancy and prior to that worked with Steer Davies Gleave (now Steer) in London. She has an MSc in Transport from Imperial College London and a BA Hons degree in Geography.
Find out more about Kate from her interview with iMOVE, Kate Mackay: Planning transport futures

Ben Morley-John
Managing Director, Smash Delta
Ben is an innovation and analytics leader – supporting private sector and government leaders in the adoption of disruptive technologies and approaches.
As co-founder and Managing Director of Smash Delta, Ben leads a team of mathematicians, computer scientists, designers and strategists in driving meaningful, collaborative change in the domains of sport, television media, smart cities and NGOs.
In the context of mobility and smart cities, Smash Delta serves as a lead advisor to a range of NSW Government Departments. Ben and the Smash Delta team have been recognised as Australian leaders in design – winning Good Design Gold for their interactive work in smart cities. Ben and his team are focused on sparking and embedding ethical and inclusive technological change in organisations throughout Australia.
Prior to analytics, Ben worked in management consulting throughout APAC / Americas and has a background in investment banking – working for a range of professional service firms and financial institutions.

Georgia O’Cianain
Project Director, National Freight Data Hub
Georgia leads the Data Foundations team in the Commonwealth Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications. She is an experienced strategic urban policy professional with a career spanning 20 years of planning & transport policy and reform across all three levels of government in Australia.
She is now applying her passion for strategic thinking and innovation to working across governments, industry, and research communities to lead the design of a National Freight Data Hub.

Andry Rakotonirainy
Director, CARRS-Q
Professor Andry Rakotonirainy is the Director of CARRS-Q (Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety – Queensland) and founder of its Intelligent Transport Systems human factors research program.
With 25 years research and management experience in computer science, he brings advanced expertise in road safety and ITS design and implementation. He is a member of the Australian Research Council (ARC) College of Experts and is a regular member of EU funded projects’ advisory boards.
He has authored over 250 internationally refereed papers in prestigious journals and conferences.

Priscilla Rogers
COO, Wintermute Biomedical and Co-founder, DOFTEK
As an engineer and entrepreneur, Priscilla is passionate about the impact technology innovation can have in transforming industries. She has extensive experience in the research, development, and commercialisation of innovative technologies in both corporate and start-up settings.
Priscilla currently spends her time as Chief Operating Officer of Wintermute Biomedical, a global biopharmaceutical company, and is a co-founder of DOFTEK, which is developing and commercialising a novel electronic suspension system for passenger vehicles. Priscilla enjoys advising a number of companies and organisations on how to take fundamental research and development through to commercial outcomes.

Stacey Ryan
Policy Manager, ITS Australia
Stacey has broad professional experience across the public and private sectors in communications law, government relations, and policy development.
She is interested in data and privacy, digital convergence in transport, and unlocking improved mobility outcomes for communities, particularly as it relates to accessibility and equity.

Neil Sipe
Independent Consultant and Researcher
Neil Sipe spent more than two decades as an urban planning academic at Griffith University and the University of Queensland.
Prior to arriving in Australia in 1998, he was a urban planning/economic consultant and an investment banker that focused on financing local government infrastructure in the United States.
He is particularly interested in transport/mobility futures and their impact on the urban form of our cities.

Matt Stockwell
A/Associate Director Freight Strategy, Transport for NSW
Matt works on freight strategy covering network planning, policy, operations and engagement.
Currently he is working to improve the freight data customer experience to support innovation, evidence based policy and better transport planning investment decisions to assist both industry and government. In regards to this, in December 2019 the Transport for NSW Freight Data Hub was launched with new data sets at key trade gateways, and an interactive telematics visualisation for heavy vehicles from TCA.
Matt is responsible for coordinating the implementation of the NSW Freight and Ports Plan 2018-2023, the five year vision for freight in NSW.

Marion Terrill
Transport and Cities Program Director at the Grattan Institute
Marion is a leading policy analyst with experience that ranges from authoring parts of the 2010 Henry Tax Review to leading the design and development of the MyGov account. She has provided expert analysis and advice on labour market policy for the Commonwealth Government, the Business Council of Australia and at the Australian National University.
She joined the Grattan Institute in April 2015 to establish the Transport Program, and has published on investment in transport infrastructure, cost overruns, value capture, congestion, discount rates and cities in the face of population growth.
iMOVE recently interviewed Marion. Catch the interview at Marion Terrill: Congestion buster

Travis Waller
Advisian Chair of Transport Innovation, Deputy Dean (Research) of Engineering, UNSW, and Executive Director, Research Centre for Integrated Transport Innovation (rCITI)
Professor Travis Waller is is a global research leader in the domain of transportation network modelling, particularly integrated planning models, dynamic traffic assignment, and adaptive network equilibrium. Prior to his position at UNSW, he was on faculty at the University of Texas, Austin.
In the past 20 years, he has secured $25m+ in total research funding. He has published more than 300 peer reviewed papers, supervised 30 completed PhD students and conducted over 60 funded research projects for 40 global sponsors.
In 2003, Prof. Waller was named one of the top 100 innovators in science and engineering in the world under 35 years of age by MIT’s Technology Review magazine for his work on dynamic traffic analysis. In 2004, he received the U.S. National Science Foundation CAREER award for his proposed research and teaching plan on adaptive network equilibrium. In 2006, he was the recipient of the Annual New Faculty Award sponsored by the Council of University Transportation Centers and the American Road and Transportation Builders Association (noting both research and teaching accomplishments). In 2007, he was named a Fellow of the Clyde E. Lee Endowed Professorship in Transportation Engineering. In 2008, he was named to the Phil M. Ferguson Teaching Fellowship in Civil Engineering.
In addition, he received the U.S. Transportation Research Board’s Fred Burggraf Award in 2009, the Hojjat Adeli Award for Innovations in Computing in 2012 and the Pyke Johnson Award in 2019.

Cecilia Warren
Director of Research & Development, IAG
Cecilia leads IAG’s Research and Development function, with responsibility for collaborating with university and research partners to deliver insights on the nexus between emerging technology and human need, in the core themes of mobility, shelter, and work.
In mobility this includes: MaaS, autonomous vehicle technology, safety assurance and liability, advanced driver assistance systems and testing, data, collaborative consumption, connected vehicles, and smart cities.
Her experience canvasses over 15 years of research, innovation, policy and regulatory reform in both government and private sectors. Cecilia has a broad understanding of the sociopolitical context of connected and autonomous vehicles, including the challenge and complexity for regulation, insurance, and liability.
Currently serving on the Board of iMOVE Australia, Cecilia has previously served on several motor industry and road safety advisory boards, including the Australian Driverless Vehicle Initiative (ADVI), and the ACT Road Safety Board.

Rocco Zito
Professor and Head of Civil Engineering, Flinders University of South Australia
Rocco took up his position at the Flinders University of South Australia in July 2014. As a part of this leadership role he manages numerous research projects and teaching programs at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Previously he was the head of Transport Research and Teaching at UniSA.
His research interests include the use of the Global Positioning System (GPS) for transportation applications. This research work has mainly involved the use of Intelligent Transport System technologies to improve the effectiveness of transport. He also has a background in the assessment and investigation of the environmental impacts of various transport policy initiatives, including the use of alternative fuels and vehicles.
Rocco is currently also heavily involved in connected and autonomous vehicle research and trials.

Chris Bennetts
Head of Technology and Innovation, Transport for NSW
Chris is the Head of Technology and Innovation for the Customer Strategy and Technology Division at Transport for NSW.
The Technology and Innovation branch leads customer-facing digital transformation and innovation to improve experiences for Transport for NSW customers. The wide portfolio of programs led by the branch includes Mobility as a Service, open data, the Opal Ticketing System, and journey planning. Chris also leads external relationships with industry and the startup community to drive innovation and enable trials of emerging technology on the NSW transport network.
Chris’s remit has recently expanded to include the Smart Innovation Centre which has developed Australia’s largest program of Connected and Automated Vehicle trials and is partnering with industry to build a pathway to commercial deployment for large scale transport services using emerging technology.
Earlier this year, Chris was a recipient of the Public Service Medal in the Australia Day Honours List.
Prior to joining Transport for NSW, Chris spent 15 years leading technology product development at companies including Nokia and Hewlett-Packard.

Lachlan Benson
Managing Director and Chief Executive, Blue Arcadia
Lachlan is a leader of industry-wide supply chain strategic reform and operational efficiency improvement. He has delivered results with national and global recognition, with outstanding stakeholder management, innovative process and policy reform, achieving commercial turnaround success, at the highest levels of industry and government.
Through Blue Arcadia Pty Ltd, Lachlan provides specialised ports management, operational, privatisation and stakeholder advisory consultancy services to a number of leading firms nationally and internationally. He is also a strategic adviser to the Board of leading Port Botany intermodal transport and empty park operator Maritime Container Services.
Lachlan is also a member of the iMOVE CRC Board.

Mark Borlace
Senior Manager – Future Mobility, Royal Automobile Association of South Australia (RAA)
Mark has worked in various areas of the RAA’s Automotive, Engineering and Policy areas, and as the Senior Manager – Future Mobility he has responsibility for overall policy on mobility and automotive issues.
He has a leading role the organisation’s interest in the development of autonomous vehicle and Mobility as a Service (MaaS).
Some of the other areas of policy responsibilities are environment and vehicle emission testing, alternative energy, electric vehicles, the cost of mobility, and the future mobility needs of all people.

Michael Bouari
Chief Executive Officer, 1-Stop Connections
Michael Bouari is the CEO of 1-Stop Connections, a leading innovator of digital solutions to the freight and logistics community.
He has over 20 years’ experience in developing and commercialising digital solutions. His career started at the innovation giant 3M, where he led a number of e-commerce solutions in the 90s. He then joined Sun Microsystems in the UK, working on a global supply chain solution that required collaboration with organisations such as Samsung, Sony, and Fedex to automate and streamline the supply of products to the end consumer.
The success of that digital collaboration meant Michael was a sought-after digital solution expert, and led to his working for P&O Nedloyd (now known as Maersk) on port-related technology projects in the Asia Pacific region, before joining 1-Stop. He has been instrumental in growing 1-Stop’s digital solutions and platform to the port community.

Michael Bullen
Executive Director, Investment Attraction and Agri, Western City & Aerotropolis Authority
In his current role Michael Bullen is responsible for the attraction of new business and jobs for the new Western Sydney Aerotropolis, including the establishment of the AgriBusiness Precinct. The intent for the AgriBusiness Precinct is to establish a food production, processing and supply chain that can deliver fresh produce, pharma and food globally within 24 hours.
Prior to this role Michael was Deputy Director General Investment and Business Development in the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI), and prior to this, led DPI Agriculture, including as Chief Executive of the Rural Assistance Authority.
Michael was responsible for developing DPI’s new framework for Research and Development, including commercialisation of DPI’s Intellectual Property, new business structures and funding as well as the establishment of the GATE R&D facility at Orange NSW.
Before joining DPI Michael was Chief Executive of the Sydney Catchment Authority (now WaterNSW) and prior to this worked for Forests NSW across both plantation and native forest management.
Michael chaired the Primary Industries National Research and Innovation Committee while with DPI, which is charged with overseeing strategy and investment in Primary Industries Research and Development Framework. Michael is also a Board member of Cemeteries and Crematoria NSW.

Michael Comninos
Director of Strategy, Astrolabe Group
Michael is the founder and Director of Strategy for Astrolabe Group, a boutique strategic advisory business.
A former Executive Director in the NSW public service, he has over fifteen years experience advising government and industry stakeholders on infrastructure, land use, and innovation matters.
He led the establishment of infrastructure planning and digital tool development capabilities at the newly formed Greater Sydney Commission. In the role, Michael developed frameworks for the prioritisation of infrastructure, the spatial evaluation of growth options for Sydney, and initiated an innovative spatial analytics program called location insights.
Michael has a unique set of skills with competencies in economics, finance, and planning as well as politics, government affairs, public administration, media management, campaigning, engagement, and communication. In addition, he has an interest in and has developed capabilities in understanding how to use behavioural insights and data analytics to create customer-focused products and services.

Jeff Davis
Head of Smart Transportation Innovation and Development, BlackBerry
Jeff Davis oversees BlackBerry’s smart transportation initiatives, working to grow the number of active pilots it’s involved in and representing the organisation from an advocacy standpoint in industry groups, such as The Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITSA), Partners for Automated Vehicle Education (PAVE), ERTICO, and the Automotive Information Sharing and Analysis Center (Auto-ISAC), and in directing BlackBerry’s development in smart transportation.
He previously served as a Senior Vice President at ITSA, the nation’s largest organisation dedicated to advancing the research, development and deployment of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Prior to that he developed new programs throughout the Department of Defense (DoD), as a Marine officer and contracted civilian.
Jeff has worked in technical and market development for 11 years, beginning in the DoD as a project officer on several development and conceptual efforts across the operational and tactical spectrum. He moved on to oversee the creation and execution of comprehensive enterprise programs within the Navy and Marine Corps.
For the past four years Jeff has focused solely on smart transportation, including the implementation of cybersecurity practices, integration of connected and autonomous vehicles, and business cases around Mobility as a Service (MaaS).

Clare Gardiner-Barnes
Head of Strategy, Planning and Innovation, Infrastructure NSW
In her role Clare is responsible for the 20-year State Infrastructure Strategy, development of 5-year Infrastructure plans, and provides independent advice to government on strategic infrastructure issues and opportunities.
As a board member of the NSW Telco Authority and Roads Australia, Clare is committed to working with industry and across government to support the adoption of new infrastructure technology.
Before taking on infrastructure leadership roles Clare worked in in various executive positions in education and was the Chief Executive of the Department of Children and Families in the Northern Territory.
Clare is an advocate for women in leadership and workforce flexibility.

Michael Hopkins
Executive Leader, Strategy and Engagement, National Transport Commission
Michael Hopkins joined the National Transport Commission in his role in October 2019. He has over 25 years of experience in Government in both the ACT and Victoria, with a career focusing on bringing strategy to transport, planning, and environmental management.
In addition to his strategic skills, he is also an experienced communications director, having led the communications functions for a number of state government departments. Michael has also held senior positions in the Victorian Department of Transport, including most recently as Deputy Head, Policy and Reform, responsible for market-based reforms to transport services and transport planning for Victoria.
Michael has a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from La Trobe and a Master of Public Administration from the University of Melbourne and the Australian and New Zealand School of Government.

Maurice James
Managing Director, Qube Holdings Limited
Maurice has over 30 years’ experience in the engineering, ports and logistics industries.
He spent his early career at the Port of Melbourne Corporation, initially as an engineer, then working through various roles to become head of commercial operations.
From 1994 –2006 he was an integral part of Patrick Corporation Limited’s executive team. His last position at Patrick was Executive Director – Ports, which included responsibility for Patrick’s container terminals and port logistics businesses.
Maurice has held various roles at Qube-related companies since 2007. He became a Director of Qube in 2011 and, upon the Company’s corporatisation later the same year, was appointed Managing Director.
He is also a Director of the Australian Logistics Council and sits on the WA Freight Advisory Council.
In 2018 Mr. James was appointed by the Commonwealth Government to an expert external panel of four to review Australia’s National Freight & Supply Chain priorities.

Siobhan Lancaster
CEO & Founder, Instatruck
Siobhan Lancaster is the founder and CEO of Instatruck which is an award-winning truck matching platform.
Instatruck specialises in on-demand transport and last mile logistics for businesses, with a focus on end user experience.
Siobhan’s background is as a corporate M+A lawyer, and also company secretary / corporate affairs for a $2b ASX-listed resources company.

Alex Lockie
Senior Intelligent Transport Systems Specialist, Toyota Motor Corporation Australia
Alex started his career with Toyota in 2004 as an Engineer in the Body Design team at the Technical Centre in Melbourne. In addition to two overseas assignments in Japan and the United States , Alex has also worked with Toyota in a wide range of countries including Thailand, Indonesia, South Africa, and Argentina.
From 2014 Alex broadened his field of work into future powertrains and energy economics research before transferring into Toyota Australia’s Advanced Planning Group in 2017.
Alex is currently engaged in Toyota’s Intelligent Transport Systems program focusing on Lexus’ technical trials, and development of policy and strategy.

Sam Lorimer
Disruptive Technology Strategist, IAG
Sam Lorimer is IAG’s research lead for iMOVE’s Sydney Mobility as a Service trial project and also heads up IAG’s co-operative research portfolio. His background is in technology projects and research in the areas of automated vehicles, connected infrastructure and AI.

Samantha Taylor
National Partnerships Leader, ARRB
Samantha is an inspiring and insightful leader who encourages teams to collaborate, build relationships and work across disciplines. With a gift for strategic thinking, sound judgement and a natural ability to see talent in others Samantha has demonstrated experience building high performing, effective teams.
Beginning her career in freight in 1993 with a Research Master’s degree in Urban Freight Movement, she subsequently established more than 25 years of research and consulting in last mile, urban freight and logistics fields.
Recently Samantha worked with the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games 2018 team on last mile freight trials which were a key input to the Austroads’ project Extended Hours Delivery Trials. Earlier, Samantha led the project Overcoming Barriers to Out of Hours Deliveries in Urban Areas.
Samantha is an experienced and passionate advocate for liveability and sustainability in transport and has a sound understanding of all aspects of road transport.

Dennis Walsh
Chief Engineer, Department of Transport and Main Roads
Dennis oversees a wide range of technologies including:
- Geospatial Technologies, Road Design and Hydraulics
- Pavement, Materials and Geotechnical Engineering
- Traffic Engineering Technology and Systems
- Structures
- Safer Roads Infrastructure
He is a Chartered Professional Engineer, a member of Engineers Australia and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Dennis has worked across a wide range of areas including strategic planning, traffic and transport planning, road safety policy and engineering, road design, road operations, and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). He has contributed to a range of national groups and is the Queensland Director on the ANCAP Board. Dennis is a board member and the Vice President of ITS Australia. He is also a member of the Institute of Public Works Engineers Australia.
He is committed to bringing together the skills and knowledge of his team and their partners to embrace new technologies, engage with customers, and drive new ideas into action for the benefit of the community.

Gary White
Chief Strategic Planner, Macroplan (Life Fellow of Planning Institute Australia)
Gary has over 40 years’ experience in planning and is a respected and proven leader in strategic and statutory planning and acknowledged as visionary planner. In December 2019, he completed a 4-year role as the Chief Planner for the NSW Department of Planning & Environment. Gary has a comprehensive understanding of all planning facets, having previously held senior roles with MacroPlan Dimasi planning and economic advisory consultants, Local and State Governments in Queensland and New South Wales.
His extensive knowledge and pragmatic approach to planning and planning systems, regional planning, local government planning and individual and unique projects enables him to analyse and decipher complex elements of planning and providing a practical and innovative solutions. In 2018 he was acknowledged as Planner of the Year by the Planning Institute of Australia for his contribution to Strategic planning in Australia.
Gary is very interested in how Mega Trends and a changing world will play out and influence new spatial needs and demands of Planning Systems around Australia and different parts of the world. He has presented at numerous conferences at local, state and national levels on how planning systems need new capacity to deal with this changing world.
He is a past Member of a Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Management Committee, Central Sydney Planning Committee and Heritage Council of New South Wales, and past President of Planning Institute Queensland Division, and a past National Councillor for the institute. He was recently appointed to lecture at the University of New South Wales.