Further detail on sessions will be added over the coming weeks.
Check out the 2020 program to see how the two days will unfold or have a look at the speakers page for more information on who will be joining us.
Please note, the details below are the start times of the presentations, discussions, etc. The actual start time of Day 1 is 9.30 for the conference welcome, then follows an opening address from the NSW Transport Minister, The Hon. Andrew Constance, MP at 9.40, and an event introduction by the MC, Gary Liddle AO at 10.00.
![]() | KEYNOTE: Transport of Tomorrow International Keynote SPEAKER: Leon Daniels OBE Leon has decades of leadership experience in the UK transport industry and across Europe and the Middle East. He is passionate about the transport of the future and how we can learn lessons from the past to ensure that we make things work better for everybody in the future. He will be sharing his insights in an entertaining and insightful keynote, and also joining us to give an international perspective on the Sustainable funding of transport panel. You can find out more about Leon at his website. |
![]() | PANEL: Connectivity and automation of vehicles: What have we learnt from Australian trials and R&D and what are our next steps? This panel presents a wide-ranging discussion about what we have learnt from our experiences with connected and automated vehicles to date in Australia, with a view to understanding and generating ideas for next steps. Developing and trialling technology, security, preparing for the future, safety, understanding user attitudes all form part of this complex and exciting evolution under discussion in this session. |
![]() | PANEL: Supply Chain optimisation: What recent initiatives are telling us and how we can build on them. There’s no doubt being smart about how we use freight data will bring large benefits to companies, government and customers. In this session we will look at recent and ongoing efforts to harness data to improve our supply chains in Australia. This includes initiatives coordinated by iMOVE, as well and state and federal government and industry. Discussion will focus on what has been learnt and help develop a consensus on what’s next. |
![]() | PRESENTATIONS / DISCUSSION: Emerging issues and trends in transport Thinking in transport and mobility is evolving at a rapid pace. This session will look at some of the newer concepts and issues in transport such as how we understand and improve parking and how we use our kerbsides. It will draw on Australian research and look at other case studies from around the world. |
![]() | DEEP DISCUSSION: making our networks work in a time of burgeoning demand Successful operation of our transport networks depends on many factors and traditional thinking is starting to be turned on its head, through ongoing technological capability. This interactive and facilitated session will look at some current examples and examine how practice can be evolved to think differently in order to meet our future needs. Further detail on the session format will be provided shortly. |
![]() | DEEP DISCUSSION: Freight data, building a common understanding of use cases We frequently hear about the massive productivity benefits that can be gained by using data to create supply chain improvements and there have been some successful past initiatives that illustrate these gains. But what does this this look like in practical terms now? What are the needs and use cases for data for both industry and government stakeholders that can combine to deliver increased productivity of our networks and supply chains? This session invites participants to consider in depth current uses for freight data and find common ground with others. The results will be compiled and made available post session. Discussion may also pave the way for future workshops or initiatives in this space. |
![]() | CONVERSATION: Undertaking successful collaborative R&D: sharing industry experiences Approaches to carrying out R&D takes many different forms in different organisations. This conversation will have iMOVE industry partners reflect on practical experiences and learnings to stimulate ideas for others on ways to carry out collaborative research. Attendees are welcome to share their own experiences. |
![]() | Bright Ideas Pitchfest: Three minutes, one bright idea! Great ideas can come from anywhere and this session will help surface some of those from within the iMOVE research community. Each presenter will have three minutes to convince us they have a great idea in transport and mobility innovation. Make sure you attend and vote for the best! More information about the Pitchfest. |
Please note, the details below are the start times of the presentations, discussions, etc. The actual start time of Day 2 is 9.00, at which there will be a wrap-up of Day 1, and the results of the Researcher Pitchfest, and at 9.15 an iMOVE Update from Ian Christensen.
![]() | PRESENTATION: iMOVE Update: progress, insights and opportunities Now over two years into its ten-year funding period, iMOVE has developed a broad suite of programs, is ramping up its PhD program and has run two years of its industry-based project undergraduate program. The project portfolio will continue to grow and presents many interesting opportunities to help grow the smart mobility sector in Australia. iMOVE is also keen to explore adjacent opportunities that bring together multiple parties in transport innovation initiatives. |
![]() | PANEL: Sustainable funding of our transport systems – how do we pay for the transport systems we need? As our transport systems evolve, the boundaries between who provides what services are becoming blurred. While this presents a whole plethora of exciting new transport possibilities it also raises the question of who pays for what? This panel session brings together a range of perspectives on these important issues. |
![]() | KEYNOTE AND PRESENTATIONS: Mobility as a Service Australia has globally recognised expertise in Mobility as a Service and Sydney itself is home to a real-world MaaS trial now delivering insights into how we can make it all work. This session will feature a keynote from renowned expert Professor David Hensher as well as the most up-to-date results from iMOVE partner research into this area. |
![]() | PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION: From land use planning to using spare capacity: managing the ever-increasing freight task This session will explore how new thinking in freight can help cope with the massive demands being placed on our networks due to consumer shifts. From integrating our land use and transport planning, to re-thinking last mile and how we can use our spare capacity, the speakers will present their perspectives for better planned and optimised freight networks. |
![]() | PRESENTATIONS / Q&A: Transport thinking for the future This session aims to leave us with some thought -provoking ideas about where it could all be heading in the future. How fast will things happen? How will all the developments we are seeing work together? How can we work better together to get the transport systems that we need? |
![]() | PRESENTATIONS / Q&A: The future of freight What do our businesses see as the future of our freight systems? In this session we invite people tasked with innovating to create a better freight future to share their thoughts on where its heading and challenge our current thinking. |
Following this last session there will be an event wrap-up and end-of-event drinks, with a finish time of 16.00.