The following information is provided to make your attendance at Transport of Tomorrow Symposium 2020 as enjoyable as possible.


What date is the event?

Tuesday 24 and Wednesday 25 March 2020.

Where is it being held?

The SMC Conference & Function Centre, situated at 66 Goulburn Street, Sydney NSW (corner of Goulburn and Castlereagh Streets). For more information on the venue, including transport and parking, visit the Venue page.

Who is the event for?

Transport of Tomorrow has been developed specifically for those involved in improving Australia’s transport systems, and who are looking to generate new ideas and collaborations involving technology and data.

Attendees will include: industry, government agency and department representatives, researchers, technologists, and more.

What sort of talks and interactive sessions take place at Transport of Tomorrow?

These will all fit within the four broad themes of the 2020 event, which are:

  • Getting to the next level in connectivity and automation
  • Getting to the next level in MaaS
  • Understanding, managing, and influencing transit demand
  • Emerging issues and trends

As a guide to the sort of work and thoughts that are discussed, and the speakers, visit last year’s Transport of Tomorrow page.

Can I be involved as a sponsor?

Yes, we’d love to talk to interested parties. Find information on our Sponsorship page.

Use of personal information.

The conference will collect and store information you provide in your Registration Form for the purposes of enabling us to:

  • register your attendance at Transport of Tomorrow 2020
  • plan and develop conference and other events in the future
  • facilitate your requirements in relation to iMOVE Transport of Tomorrow 2020
  • allow the compilation and analysis of statistics relevant to the conference.

Information provided in the Registration Form and at any other time during the conference will be used by the organisers to offer, provide, and continue to improve its events and other services.


Insurance of any kind is not included in registration fees – it is advised that delegates take out appropriate health and travel insurances before travelling.


How much is registration for the event?

Registration costs vary depending on when you register and whether you are a member, non-member or student. View the pricing and associated information on the Registration page.

How do I register?

Use the online Registration Form to complete a registration. A new form needs to be completed for every person who will hold a registration in their name.

There are discounts for iMOVE participants … how do I find out if my organisation is an iMOVE participant?

There is a full list of participants on the iMOVE Partners page. Delegates who register at the participant rate will be checked against the participant list.

How do I book accommodation?

You can book accommodation at the conference hotels at the time of registration, using the online registration form. You will need to provide a credit card guarantee, which is taken by Think Business Events on behalf of the accommodation provider, and supplied to the hotel as a guarantee of the booking.

At the event

Where do I register?

The Registration and Information Desk will be centrally located on site at the conference venue.

Here you can collect name badges and other conference materials. Staff will be on hand to answer any queries. Opening times and location of the information desk will be announced closer to the event.

Do I need to wear my name badge?

Each delegate will receive a name badge on registration. This badge will be your official pass and must be worn to gain entry to all sessions, the exhibition area, morning and afternoon tea, lunch and the social functions included with your registration.

Is catering provided?

Yes, catering is provided for all catering breaks including lunch, morning and afternoon teas. If you have special dietary needs, please let us know on your registration form so that an appropriate meal can be arranged. Once at the congress, please visit the Special Dietaries Buffet to collect your meal.

Terms & Conditions

Click here for a copy of the Transport of Tomorrow 2020 terms & conditions.