Video: Mobility as a Service: Progress and new insights from an Australian trial
Video of iMOVE’s Mobility as a Service: Progress and new insights from an Australian trial webinar.
DetailsVideo of iMOVE’s Mobility as a Service: Progress and new insights from an Australian trial webinar.
DetailsUnfortunately, iMOVE has had to cancel its Transport of Tomorrow 2020 conference, due to what is the escalating threat and influence of COVD-19.
DetailsAn update on what the conference is doing in relation to COVD-19, along with a link to further information.
DetailsA little background on the international keynote speaker for Transport of Tomorrow 2020, Leon Daniels OBE.
DetailsBreathe a sigh of relief people, Transport of Tomorrow 2020 has a coffee cart sponsor. Who is it? It’s all in the article …
DetailsTruck platooning has had something of a troubled time in Australia in recent years, but a recent demonstration by Cohda Wireless might change that.
DetailsDetails about the MaaS trial currently underway in Sydney, with research from Transport of Tomorrow 2020 keynote speaker, Professor David Hensher.